In the inner city, a large pumping station has just been modernized. The old pumps had reached the end of their lifespan and were in need of renewal.
Through strong dialog and sparring, we have selected the right pumps for the purpose. As always, it has been very important for us to select pumps that work at BEP – the point where the pump operates at maximum efficiency and several prerequisites for longevity are met. This is of great benefit to the overall climate balance.
Pumps from PX Flow were chosen for this purpose. The pumps are 300 millimeter pumps fitted with a 6-pole motor. The pumps are designed with oversized shafts and bearings to ensure high reliability and long service life.
The pumps are incredibly service-friendly. Separating the motor and pump housing is done by simply loosening 6 stainless steel locking pawls. The pumps are fitted with a new foot and guide system. An extremely service-friendly system.
In this project, the customer did the beautiful and complex installation themselves – great job!
Thank you for a close and strong collaboration across organizations.